Flatbread trio
Flatbread with a yeast butter, a ‘surströmming’ of pickled vegetables and herring cured in vinegar, flatbread chips with lamb brawn and Lambetta cured lamb.

Main course
King of the forest
Roast elk, braised neck of elk and creamed celeriac with fried celeriac dice, served with deep-fried cheese rolled in dried celeriac.

Waffle Hälsingland style
Biscuit waffle, Hälsingland cheesecake ice cream, served with meringue, raspberries and warmed cubes of cheesecake in cream.
The people behind the menu
Concept and recipes
The menu was designed by Hans Erik Holmqvist, Daniel Coyet and Fredrik Kneif.
Beautifully presented
Local Hälsingland producers such as Växbo Lin, Annas Keramik, Återbrukshyttan, Stormare Bryggeri in Orbaden, Tevsjö Destilleri, Helsinge Ångbryggeri, Järvsö Musteri and Duro Tapeter have all played their part in the overall look.
To drink
Helsinge Rököl beer, no. 88820
Main course
Helsinge Pilsener, no. 89811